Patient of the Month

Penny - Jan 2024

“Penny is a sweet, stubborn, and sassy soul who came to us through rescue.

“After she settled in, she excelled in training and nosework. She also became a role model in confidence and good behaviour for a series of foster dogs we took in over the next few years for Midwest Dachshund Rescue. She really paid it forward by helping to support and comfort the fosters while they transitioned to new homes.

“Penny continued as an only dog until one of those frightened fosters (Ami) decided she wasn’t going home with the family that came to adopt her and made it clear she was staying with Penny. They have been best buds ever since!”

“Penny went down with a back problem due to IVDD and lost some control of her back legs. With medication and the help of the dedicated staff at IPC, Penny rebounded and hasn't gone down again.”

“At almost 16 years young, she continues to be active and engaged in nose work and chasing bunnies and squirrels. She's slower than she used to be (which makes the bunnies and squirrels happy), but she keeps on going with daily walks and keeping Ami company.”

“Penny is a cherished member of our family and loves all the girls at IPC—especially when the treats come out!”

-Jamie, Penny’s mom


Patient of the Month


Patient of the Month